Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a referral?
Yes, you will need to see your GP for a referral to see our dermatologists.
If your GP is sending a referral, your referral will be assessed by our dermatologists for urgency and we will contact you with an appointment time. Please be patient. We will be in touch as soon as we can.
Once an appointment is made, we will send you a link for you to follow to provide your details directly into our system.
Follow up appointments and existing patients
Existing patients (seen in last 2 years) can phone or email requesting an appointment with your name, date of birth, email address and preferred doctor.
How long to get an appointment?
We will endeavour to arrange an appointment time to suit your needs. Urgent appointments will be seen as soon as possible.
How long is my appointment?
A normal new patient time is 15/20 minutes. Please let the receptionist know if there are multiple issues to deal with so a longer appointment time can be arranged. If additional investigations or procedures are required, a return appointment may be necessary.
Urgent appointments?
If the dermatologists assess your referral as urgent we will find you an appointment as soon as possible.
Medical Insurance?
Dr Bruce Taylor, Dr Jennifer Taylor and Dr Michael Horwich are affiliated Southern Cross providers for consultations, biopsies and surgical procedures. For patients who are insured by Southern Cross, we are able to bill Southern Cross directly for you. For patients insured with other providers, the reception staff are able to assist with all billing needs.
What is Dermatology?
Dermatology is the medical specialty concerned with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of conditions of the skin, hair and nails.
What is a Dermatologist?
Dermatologists are medical doctors with four years specialist training in all aspects of the skin, hair and nails. Dermatologists are experts in the care, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of skin diseases and all aspects of medical, surgical and cosmetic treatments. All Specialist Dermatologist’s are members of New Zealand Dermatological Society Incorporated (NZDSI